10 Reasons to Add Rowing to Your Next Workout
The core stabilization you build through rowing can improve your day-to-day functioning in lots of ways, whether we’re talking about in the gym or outside of it—for example, allowing you to pick up heavy objects without s
5 Invigorating Stretches to Slot In Between Bed-Rotting Sessions
This article is part of SELF’s third annual Rest Week, an editorial package dedicated to doing less. Taking care of yourself, physically and emotionally, is impossible without genuine downtime. With that in mind, we’ll be
9 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing a New Gym, According to a Personal Trainer
With the new year looming, one of the biggest to-dos on many people’s list is to finally figure out a fitness program. In lots of cases, joining a gym is step one here. But with all the options staring you in the face—bou
Sumo Vs. Conventional Deadlift: What Are the Differences?
In the health and fitness space, there are a number of fearsome ideological match-ups: cardio vs strength training, plant vs animal protein, the front squat vs back squat. Among these titanic topics, however, few can rival
You Can Do a Muscle-Up. Here's How
Unless you’re already a trained gymnast, bar muscle-ups are one of the most challenging bodyweight movements you can attempt. In addition to requiring significant core and upper-body strength, muscle-ups demand excellent m
How to Train Type 1 Muscle Fibers for Greater Endurance
If your goal is to PR a marathon, climb a mountain, or crush your coworkers in the annual office plank competition, you need to understand type 1 muscle fibers and how to build them. Of the two primary types of skeletal musc
The Superman Is the Core Exercise Your Workout Might Be Missing
Any workout move that has you lying on your stomach may sound way too easy. But the Superman exercise is anything but—providing a muscle-trembling challenge and full-body benefits that are truly no joke. There are several v
What Is My Body Type, and Can I Train for It?
In the 1940s, a University of Houston professor named William Sheldon coined the concept that all humans fall into one of three body types, or somatotypes. It was bold. It was revolutionary. It was complete nonsense. The who
The Right Sports Bra Can Make Running Easier and Less Painful—Here Are the Best Ones
We love a soft, strappy bralette when we’re lounging at home—but certainly not when we’re hitting the pavement. For high-impact workouts, only the best running sports bras will do. And by that, we mean supportive, sweat
How to Do the Clam Shell Exercise to Fire Up Your Side-Butt
Anyone who spends a lot of the day sitting could probably stand to strengthen their glutes. And the clam shell exercise is an excellent way to do just that. But it also offers a whole lot more. This exercise—which is a stap